Apotelesma: Darrin Crede's/Colin Parker's First Band

Alright. Darrin Crede of Apotelesma shares 50 % of my same backstory. That's how the game works. I want to try and get better at writing music again, like I said in the previous post about this topic, but in the meantime, I plan on working my way up. I can't just start at Darrin's 3rd album. So, we're going to get you started with "the classics".

Attached are 3 songs: Chemistry, Dr Pepper, and Good Enough. I'm letting my very first band  serve as the same "first band" for Darrin, and so I'm leaving the name of everything as is. This 3 song demo was actually made in 2009, but since it doesn't make sense to the timeline for Darrin Crede, I changed it to '05. The last thing to note of the data is that it says Darrin Crede wrote the music. In all actuality, the first two tracks are Colin M. Parker/Dan Singer, and the third track is Colin M. Parker/Dan Singer/Chris Rhodes. Notably missing is the trumpet player... this was the only day we could get into the studio and we didn't have one for like 4 months, and so you'll get trombone and bari sax. A really sexy combo, if you ask me. There's one bit where that sax REALLY hits and it's wonderful. I wish the horns were a little more present, but: money. 

If you're interested, here's a very brief history on all 3 songs in real life, not in Apotelesma fiction.

1) Chemistry - I walked into the orchestra classroom one day after my Chemistry class was over and I began venting to Dan, the other songwriter. I told how much I hated Chemistry and how I'd never need to be successful in music or really most careers. Dan went home that evening and wrote a majority of the tune. I added horns, harmonies, and we together added a bridge to the tune and boom! It was done. Best part of this song: we played it live in front of the student body one time and just as we started to play, my chemistry teacher walked in. Oops?

2) Dr Pepper - Look, if you know me, you know I'm obsessed with the stuff. I've been hooked on Dr Pepper for ages. In the summer of '08, I got dumped. As I was 17 years old, I couldn't exactly go to a bar. So instead, a few friends and I bought a 12 pack of Dr Pepper and some junk food, and we sat under the stars having a late night snack fest and chat. This song was one Dan and I worked on together about getting over relationships, and also growing feelings for another party, and of course, staying up late and drinking Dr Pepper, which gives us the caffeine to stay up late and do it all.

3) Good Enough - easily the worst lyrics I've ever written. They're cheesy and there is nothing substantial for them. In other words, this is the song I wrote that had the most potential to end up on the radio. Good Enough was actually about the same girl from Dr Pepper, but more about the argument we had the breakup where I mentioned, like a dramatic teenager, "Oh, so I'm not good enough?" and she said "the problem is that you're perfect. You're loving, caring, and you make me laugh. But I can't date you." Being a teenager is tough, amiright? Well, there you go. That's the opening to the song, and the lyrics don't get any better. Of course the irony of all of this: this is the song we all got tired of playing, but ALWAYS had to play because people actually knew every word to it. Go figure!

So, there it is. I'm going to rerecord those 3 songs with no horns, and a little more punk flair, and then record some other songs that I wrote back in 2011-2013, and that'll serve as the "debut album" for Darrin Crede's pop punk band, Grey. I'll keep you posted on the progress of that as it happens, but for now: enjoy The Rocktagon's "The Good Enough EP '05"

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