Myth Takes Cast
(This section is under construction)
in order of appearance
Colin M. Parker
“The geese will eat the tires until the objective is complete.”
Fishstick lives here. “Here” being wherever WIDK happens to be broadcasting from. He’s like the maintenance guy that just kinda ‘comes with the building’ in terms of iDunnoRadio. He is also the one responsible for editing and tech of the show.
Sam Greszes
“If Tim Apple told me that they wanted me to do the next big keynote speech and release it as an audiobook on everyone’s phones; I would.”
A ‘certified’ life coach and ‘graduate’ from ‘Tony Robbins Inspirational Woods Adventure’, The Brofessor enjoys dishing his unique brand of daily insight and advice out to anyone who will listen.
Whitney Nelsen
“If your dog was made of rubber you could just take it to the park and throw it”
A lover of all things green or fuzzy, Lulu is a true naturalist. She spends as much time as possible outdoors, cavorting with squirrels and telling off brambles.
Stephanie Ichniowski
“I don’t want a body like John Cena because that seems like a lot of extra spaces to have to clean. There’s a reason he’s completely shaved.”
He was born in a pizza shop. Forged from the warm stones and shaped by the pizza-dragging machine, he lives on hot and ready to serve up some news each week.
Jordan reed
“You want a quote for the website? I’ll get back to you with a quote on that.”
Our business-savvy and… well, business-savvy leader. Jarredd ensures that WIDK always has the fiscal resources it needs to continue draining its fiscal resources.
Graham Thompson
“I’m Doctor Svinkle.”
He owns the hotdog truck. And a bunch of real estate. And some questionable ethics and morals. Can’t live with him, can’t broadcast without him.